My North Star Mission ★ Infinity Creative
reach for the moon

Shoot For the Moon, because even if you miss... YOU’LL LAND AMONG THE STARS

wish it dream it do it

I have always been a big believer in following your heart and doing what will truly make you happy. But it took me a while to realise that it shouldn’t just apply to my personal life – it should apply to my business too. That driving force, that ‘North Star’ should be guiding absolutely everything I do.

Prior to starting Infinity Creative, I spent years working hard and feeling undervalued for other people inside a corporate environment I was miserable in. It ultimately led me to a really dark place, as I was feeling trapped and unfulfilled with how my life was going. I soon put a stop to the 9-5 soulless grind, and with every fibre of courage, I could muster I handed in my notice and said hello to freedom by becoming the master of my own destiny.

By following my true North, I have found it to be a liberating and transformational experience, and now I want to bring that to other businesswomen. Finding the right alignment between your business, your brand and your offering is a long journey, but the results are absolutely worth it. I want to help guide these amazing business owners on a journey of discovery about their brand, and themselves, to help them conquer their fears, understand what’s in their heart and follow what lights them up.

Because everyone’s North Star is different, and it’s my job to help you find yours.

dream big branding

My North Star Mission Statement My North Star Mission Statement

I Believe...

In Empowering Women in business

When a woman puts her mind to something, she can achieve incredible things. But when a group of women build each other up? We can conquer the world. My mission in life is to inspire, elevate and empower women who are following their own North Star in business, and give them the tools they need to smash every obstacle in their way and reach every goal they set themselves.

I Believe...

entrepreneurs should have a brand that is beautiful and purposefully aligned to their value

A brand is more than just a pretty logo. It’s everything about your business in a nutshell, and it should scream ‘you’ from the moment a customer lays eyes on it. I believe that every entrepreneur deserves a brand that’s hand-crafted, heart-centred and uniquely aligned to them and their values. Rather than just something that looks pretty.

I Believe...

every business has their own unique stardust and story to be shared with the world

While there might be lots of businesses out there doing similar things to you, there is only one you. And only one reason why you’re doing what you do. So even if you don’t see it, your business is incredibly unique. All you need to do is find that special, sparkly stardust that showcases it, and use it conjure up your story to share with the world. After all, people buy people, and you are the most unique person of all.

I Believe...

in the power of community and collaboration with kind hearted souls

Why work as an individual, when we are so much more powerful as a group? Community has always been very important to me, and I have always sought out the company of kindred souls. In business, collaborating with someone who shares your vision, your mindset and your passion can lead to you achieve so much more than you could on your own. And with every kindred soul you add to your tribe, the more amazing you all become.

People don't buy what you do. they buy why you do it. People don't buy what you do. they buy why you do it.


A few years ago a man called Simon Sinek made waves by sharing his ideas with the world. More specifically, he shared one idea – The Golden Circle – which explains that the power of the ‘why’ isn’t an option, it’s biology. This really struck a chord with me, as I’ve always believed that people don’t buy what you do, but why you do it.

The Infinity Creative approach to branding is built on the foundations of the Golden Circle. When you work with me you get more than just a pretty logo – you get a strong, vibrant brand to set yourself apart. I deep dive into why you do what you do, before I look at how you do it, or what you do. This helps me get into the DNA of your business, so that I can brew up the perfect branding to match.

North Star


"The North Star is the anchor of the northern sky. It is a landmark, or sky marker, that helps those who follow it determine direction as it glows brightly to guide and lead toward a purposeful destination. It also has a symbolic meaning, for the North Star depicts a beacon of inspiration and hope to many.”

curious to discover your north star curious to discover your north star

If you’re not sure what your North Star is, or it’s feeling a little dim, never fear! All you need is love and a little bit of stardust, and your business will be shining bright again in no time. All of my packages start by helping you discover what your own North Star is, and move on to bringing that out and creating a brand that reflects your mission, drives and dreams.

If you would like some help in starting that journey, all you have to do is get in touch with the Infinity Creative team, and I can start you down the path to discovering your own North Star and writing your own brand story.
